A unique combination of expertise

Top researchers and industry leaders are guiding our fellows

Our network covers a range of experiences in leadership and training, scientific expertise, model systems and know-how in the DNA repair machines field.

Our Supervisors

are applying structural, biochemical, biophysical and theoretical perspectives to study the molecular mechanisms of DNA Repair State Machines

RepState has brought together internationally renowned scientists from six European Universities, two Research Institutes, two Medical University Centres, two high-tech European companies and a famous Art Academy, bringing together the natural and social sciences. 

Joyce Lebbink

Project Leader

Associate Professor at Erasmuc MC, Netherlands

Peter Friedhoff

Principal Investigator

Adjunct Professor at Justus-Liebig University Giessen, Germany

Nigel Savery

Principal Investigator

Professor at University of Bristol, UK

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Mark Dillingham

Principal Investigator

Professor at University of Bristol, UK

Meindert Lamers

Principal Investigator

Associate Professor at Leiden University  MC, Netherlands

Titia Sixma

Principal Investigator

Professor at Netherlands Cancer Institute, Netherlands

Frank Sobott

Principal Investigator

Professor at University of Leeds, UK

RepState Joyce Lebbink Jasperina Erades 0223-045
Terence Strick

Principal Investigator

Professor at Institute of Biology of the ENS in Paris, France

Frederick Westerlund

Principal Investigator

Professor at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden

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Janne Jänis

Principal Investigator

Professor at UEF, Finland

Associate Professor at University of Oxford, UK

Aldje van Meer

Thinkerer at Willem de Kooning Academie Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences

Chief Technology Officer at Delta Diagnostics, Netherlands

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